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Super Blue Moon 2024 will be The upcoming full moon

Super Blue Moon

Super Blue Moon

Super blue moon 2024 the upcoming full Moon will be a supermoon and also a Blue Moon, known by various names including the Sturgeon Moon, the Red Moon, the Corn Moon, the Green Corn Moon, the Barley Moon, the Herb Moon, the Grain Moon, or the Dog Moon. It will coincide with Raksha Bandhan, or Rakhi Purnima, and Tu B’Av.

The full Moon will occur on Monday afternoon, August 19, 2024, at 2:26 PM EDT. In Nepal Standard Time and further east across Asia and Australia to the International Date Line, it will be Tuesday morning. The Moon will appear full for three days, from Sunday morning through early Wednesday morning.

Moon (super blue moon 2024)

This full Moon will be a supermoon, a term first used by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979 to describe a new or full Moon that occurs when the Moon is within 90% of its closest approach to Earth. While new moons are not visible, full supermoons are notable for being the largest and brightest full Moons of the year. This supermoon will be the first of four consecutive supermoons this year, with the full Moons in September and October also expected to be among the closest of the year.

Though it will not appear blue, this full Moon is called a Blue Moon because it is the third full Moon in a season with four full Moons. The term “Blue Moon” first appeared in English in 1528. Possible origins of the term include an old English phrase meaning “betrayer Moon,” due to its role in miscalculating dates for Lent and Easter, or a reference to rare occurrences when the Moon actually appears blue due to atmospheric conditions. Since the 1940s, “Blue Moon” has also been used to refer to the second full Moon in a single calendar month.



Even though it won’t actually appear blue, this will be considered a Blue Moon because it’s the third full Moon in a season with four full Moons. The term “Blue Moon” was first recorded in English in 1528.

super blue moon 2024

The Maine Farmer’s Almanac began publishing “Indian” names for full Moons in the 1930s, and these names have gained widespread popularity. For August’s full Moon, the Algonquin tribes in what is now the northeastern United States referred to it as the Sturgeon Moon, named after the large fish that were more easily caught at this time in the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water. Other names for this Moon include the Red Moon, the Corn or Green Corn Moon, the Barley Moon, the Herb Moon, the Grain Moon, and the Dog Moon.


A quick note for my readers in the Southern Hemisphere: Many lunar names and traditions are based on Northern Hemisphere seasons. I’ve noticed some publications adjust names like the Sturgeon Moon by six months (e.g., using February names for August). Also, for those in the Southern Hemisphere, the Moon and planetary descriptions will be oriented differently, and the seasons are reversed, so twilight times and other details will vary.


This full Moon coincides with the Hindu festival Raksha Bandhan, also known as Rakhi Purnima, which celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters. One tradition involves sisters tying a rakhi (a cotton bracelet) around their brother’s wrist, and in return, the brother gives a gift as a symbol of their ongoing bond. “Raksha Bandhan” translates to “the bond of protection, obligation, or care.”


In traditional Moon-based calendars, full Moons often occur around the middle of each month. This full Moon falls near the middle of the seventh month in the Chinese year of the Dragon, Safar in the Islamic calendar, and Av in the Hebrew calendar. Av corresponds with Tu B’Av, a modern Israeli holiday similar to Valentine’s Day.


For science fiction enthusiasts, a nod to author Theodore Sturgeon (1918-1985) in honor of the Sturgeon Moon. Known for his work in science fiction, horror, and mystery, Sturgeon’s scripts for Star Trek introduced key concepts, although only “Shore Leave” and “Amok Time” were produced. His contributions include the concepts of “pon farr,” the Vulcan hand gesture, “live long and prosper,” and the “Prime Directive” (influencing later scripts despite its original script not being produced).


As always, wearing celestial-themed attire is encouraged to celebrate the full Moon. Enjoy the super blue Moon, stay connected with your siblings, and consider exploring Theodore Sturgeon’s works.


For other celestial events between now and the full Moon after next (based on the location of NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.):


As Northern Hemisphere summer ends, daylight hours continue to shorten rapidly, with the fastest change occurring around the equinox on September 22. On Monday, August 19 (the date of the full Moon), morning twilight will begin at 5:24 AM, sunrise at 6:26 AM, solar noon at 1:11 PM with the Sun at its highest point of 63.6 degrees, sunset at 7:57 PM, and evening twilight ending at 8:58 PM. By Tuesday, September 17 (the date of the full Moon after next), morning twilight will begin at 5:54 AM, sunrise at 6:52 AM, solar noon at 1:02 PM with the Sun at its highest point of 53 degrees, sunset at 7:12 PM, and evening twilight ending at 8:10 PM.


This period marks an excellent time for Saturn viewing, especially through a backyard telescope. Saturn will be at its closest and brightest on the night of September 7. It will gradually shift west each evening, making it more visible in the sky and ideal for evening observation, particularly for children with earlier bedtimes. Through a telescope, you should be able to see Saturn’s bright moon Titan and its rings. The rings are appearing thinner and will be edge-on to Earth by early 2025. The classic view of Saturn’s rings will return in 2026.

Meteor Showers | super blue moon 2024

During this lunar cycle, two minor meteor showers are expected to peak and be visible from the Northern Hemisphere. Though less prominent than the Perseids, which peak at 100 meteors per hour on the morning of August 12, these showers still offer a chance to witness some celestial activity. The Aurigids will peak at about 10 meteors per hour on the morning of August 31, while the September Epsilon Perseids will reach a peak of five meteors per hour on the morning of September 9. Due to light pollution in urban areas, viewing these showers may be challenging, although the Aurigids tend to produce brighter meteors. For the best experience, find a dark location with clear skies in the early morning hours around these peaks.


Optimal viewing conditions include a clear sky free of clouds or haze, a location far from artificial lights, and a broad, unobstructed view of the sky. Allow your eyes to adjust to the dark; your color vision will adapt in about 10 minutes, while your black-and-white vision will continue to improve for up to an hour, with the most significant enhancement occurring in the first 35 to 45 minutes. Since some meteors are faint, you may notice more from the corner of your eye. Be mindful that even brief exposures to light, such as from passing headlights or a phone screen, can reset your eyes’ adaptation process.


Evening Sky Highlights | super blue moon 2024


On the evening of Monday, August 19, coinciding with the full Moon, the Moon will rise to a height of 7 degrees above the east-southeastern horizon by the end of twilight at 8:58 PM. Saturn will be visible as the only planet, positioned 1.5 degrees above the eastern horizon. Bright Venus will set just four minutes before twilight ends, remaining visible in the dusk glow on the western horizon. The brightest star near the zenith will be Vega, located 80 degrees above the eastern horizon. Vega, part of the Summer Triangle with Deneb and Altair, is the fifth brightest star in the night sky, about 25 light-years from Earth, with twice the mass of the Sun and shining 40 times brighter.


As the lunar cycle progresses, Saturn and the stars behind it will gradually shift westward each evening due to Earth’s orbit around the Sun. On August 20, the full Moon will pass near Saturn. Venus will continue to move away from the Sun and will become visible above the horizon after twilight ends starting August 28. The waxing Moon will pass by Venus on September 4 (setting before twilight ends), Spica on September 6, Antares on September 9 and 10, and Saturn on September 16.


By the evening of Tuesday, September 17, the full Moon will rise to 11 degrees above the east-southeastern horizon as twilight ends at 8:10 PM, with Saturn positioned 14 degrees above the horizon to its upper right. Later, a partial shadow of Earth will cover a small portion of the Moon. Venus will be visible 2 degrees above the west-southwestern horizon, with Spica to the lower left on the horizon. Vega will remain the brightest object close to overhead, at 87 degrees above the western horizon.


Morning Sky Highlights | super blue moon 2024

On Monday morning, August 19, coinciding with the full Moon, twilight will commence at 5:24 AM EDT. At this time, the Moon will be setting 5 degrees above the southwestern horizon. Jupiter, the brightest planet in the sky, will be visible 49 degrees above the eastern horizon, with Mars nearby at 47 degrees above the horizon. Saturn will be positioned 29 degrees above the southwestern horizon. The brightest star near the zenith will be Capella, the principal star in Auriga, situated 55 degrees above the east-northeastern horizon. Despite appearing as a single star (the sixth brightest in our night sky), Capella is actually a binary star system consisting of four stars. It is approximately 43 light-years away from Earth.


As the lunar cycle progresses, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and the surrounding stars will shift westward each evening, with Mars moving more slowly away from Jupiter. Between August 28 and September 17, Mercury will join this planetary lineup, rising on the east-northeastern horizon. Mercury will reach its highest point in the morning twilight on September 6 and will pass by Regulus on September 9. The waning Moon will encounter Saturn on August 21, the Pleiades star cluster on August 26, Jupiter on August 27 (forming a triangle with Mars), Mars on August 28, Pollux on August 30, Mercury on September 1, and the waxing full Moon will be near Saturn on September 17.


By the morning of Wednesday, September 18, as twilight begins at 5:55 AM EDT, the setting full Moon will be 15 degrees above the west-southwestern horizon. Jupiter will be the brightest planet at 71 degrees above the south-southeastern horizon, with Mars positioned at 61 degrees above the east-southeastern horizon. Saturn will be 1 degree above the western horizon, just below the Moon. Capella will remain the prominent star near the zenith, 80 degrees above the northeastern horizon.


Detailed Daily Celestial Guide | super blue moon 2024

Here’s a day-by-day overview of celestial events leading up to the full Moon on September 17, 2024. The times and angles provided are specific to NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. (noted in parentheses), so local times may vary. For those at significantly different latitudes, especially in the Southern Hemisphere, I recommend using an astronomy app or consulting local observatories or star-watching guides.


August 12-18, 2024

August 12: The Perseids meteor shower peaks in the early morning. Moonset occurs before midnight (11:52 PM EDT), and the radiant will climb higher in the northern sky until dawn breaks around 5:16 AM EDT. High activity is often observed beyond the peak, so keep watching the sky until morning.


August 13: The Moon will be at its first quarter at 11:19 AM EDT, though it won’t be visible.


August 13 Night: The bright star Antares will be near the waxing gibbous Moon. Antares will be 2.5 degrees to the upper left as evening twilight ends (9:08 PM EDT). By moonset (12:30 AM EDT), Antares will be 1 degree above the Moon. In southern South America and the Antarctic Peninsula, the Moon will occult Antares. More details are available here.


August 14: Mars will be close to Jupiter, just a third of a degree apart. Jupiter will rise at 1:18 AM EDT below Mars, and both will be 45 degrees above the eastern horizon at morning twilight (5:18 AM EDT).


August 16: Saturn will be visible above the eastern horizon as evening twilight ends (9:03 PM EDT).


August 18: Mercury will be at inferior conjunction, passing between the Earth and the Sun. It will start emerging from the dawn glow on the east-northeastern horizon by the end of August.


August 19-28, 2024

August 19: The full Moon occurs at 2:26 PM EDT. This full Moon will be visible as a Blue Moon and a supermoon, appearing full from Sunday morning through early Wednesday morning.


August 20-21: Saturn will be close to the full Moon. As evening twilight ends (8:57 PM EDT), Saturn will be 2 degrees above and slightly to the left of the Moon. They will be closest about an hour later. By Wednesday morning (2:32 AM EDT), the Moon will be at its highest, with Saturn 2 degrees to the right. When morning twilight begins (5:26 AM EDT), Saturn will be almost 4 degrees to the lower right of the Moon. Areas seeing the occultation can find details here.


August 21: The Moon will be at perigee (its closest to Earth) at 1:02 AM EDT.


August 25-26: The Pleiades star cluster will be above the waning half Moon. When the Moon rises (11:12 PM EDT), the Pleiades will be 1 degree above it, moving to 4 degrees to the upper right by morning twilight (5:31 AM EDT).


August 26: The waning Moon reaches its last quarter at 5:26 AM EDT.


August 27: Jupiter will appear below the waning crescent Moon. Jupiter will rise (12:34 AM EDT) 6 degrees below the Moon, moving to 5.5 degrees to the lower right by morning twilight (5:32 AM EDT).


August 28: Mars will be positioned to the right of the waning crescent Moon. As Mars rises (12:56 AM EDT), it will be 6 degrees to the right of the Moon, shifting to 8 degrees to the upper right by morning twilight (5:34 AM EDT). Mercury will also be visible above the horizon.


August 29 – September 9, 2024

August 29: Venus will be visible above the western horizon as evening twilight ends (8:42 PM EDT).


August 30: The bright star Pollux will be near the waning crescent Moon. When the Moon rises (2:50 AM EDT), Pollux will be 3 degrees away and 4 degrees from the Moon by morning twilight (5:36 AM EDT).


September 1: The thin, waning crescent Moon will be 4.5 degrees above Mercury. Mercury rises (5:14 AM EDT) last, with the Moon visible 6 degrees above the east-northeastern horizon at morning twilight (5:38 AM EDT).


September 2: The new Moon occurs at 9:55 PM EDT.


September 3: The Chinese year of the Dragon starts its eighth month. Sundown marks the beginning of Elul in the Hebrew calendar, a period of preparation for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. In the Islamic calendar, the waxing crescent Moon signals the start of Rabi’ al-Awwal, which includes Mawlid celebrations.


September 4: Mercury reaches greatest elongation, its furthest from the Sun. This doesn’t exactly align with its highest morning appearance.


September 5: The thin, waxing crescent Moon will be near Venus. It will be 3 degrees above the western horizon 30 minutes after sunset (8:03 PM EDT), setting by 8:20 PM EDT. The Moon will be at apogee (its farthest from Earth) at 10:55 AM EDT.


September 6: The waxing crescent Moon will be 3 degrees left of Spica. The Moon will be 5 degrees above the west-southwestern horizon as evening twilight ends (8:29 PM EDT). Spica will set at 8:54 PM EDT. A partial eclipse will be visible in parts of Africa. More details are available here.


September 7: Saturn will be at opposition, its closest and brightest for the year. It will be 10 degrees above the east-southeastern horizon at evening twilight (8:27 PM EDT), reaching its highest point at 1:09 AM EDT, and 11 degrees above the west-southwestern horizon at morning twilight (5:45 AM EDT).


September 9: Mercury and Regulus will be very close, just 0.5 degrees apart. They will be 5 degrees above the east-northeastern horizon at morning twilight (5:46 AM EDT). In the evening, Antares will be 7 degrees to the upper left of the waxing crescent Moon. The Moon will set 2 hours later (10:26 PM EDT).


September 10: The Moon will shift to 6 degrees left of Antares, with the pair separating as the night progresses.


September 11 – 17, 2024

September 11: The Moon will reach its first quarter at 2:06 AM EDT.


September 15-16: The solar day will be the shortest of the year, lasting 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 38.6 seconds.


September 17: The full Moon occurs at 10:35 PM EDT. This full Moon will be visible from Wednesday in Newfoundland and Greenland Time, eastward across Eurasia, Africa, and Australia. This Moon will also be a partial lunar eclipse, starting at 8:41 PM EDT with the top edge entering the full shadow at 10:13 PM EDT. The eclipse peaks at 10:44 PM EDT, with 8.4% of the Moon in full shadow. The Moon will exit the full shadow at 11:16 PM EDT and the partial shadow by 12:47 AM EDT. This will also be the second of four consecutive supermoons. The Moon will appear full from Monday evening through Thursday morning. super blue moon 2024


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